Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Small update because I'm too tired

Hey everyone, here's just a small update because I'm too tired to write a good blog post.
Some of you might've seen me at the convention and are totally up to date, but some others might be wondering how I'm feeling with my leg being hurt and everything. This is why I'll write a small update.

Saturday morning a friend of mine found out that the hotel had a wheelchair that I could borrow. This allowed for me to move around the convention and still keep an eye on the eventrooms that I had to supervise. The wheelchair did take a big strain on my arms and I got tired very easily from having to move a wheelchair over a carpet (note: this was my first time in a wheelchair ever!). Also, I couldn't help move around chairs and tables and stuff like that. This led to me feeling very useless, but everyone around me told me that I was a big help already in supervising and providing the right information to the right people and stuff like that. I'll take that for truth then.

On the night from Saturday upon Sunday my leg actually felt like I would be able to walk again. Somehow the person who took care of me always shows up at the right time and this was true this time too. I bumped into her and asked her to check out my leg. She was actually in a very bad mood, but after checking my leg her face cleared up and she happily and hopefully asked me to try a little walk. I did and, even though I was still pretty weak, I could walk for a little while! This seems like a small victory, but at first they thought I would be confined to my bed all weekend, so not just being able to move around in my wheelchair, but actually be able to walk around a little bit was already a huge victory!

Sunday it just got better and better. I could hand in my wheelchair and walk around! I was still terribly weak and I had to watch out not to strain my muscles too much yet, but I could walk fairly well. This made it possible for me to help at the workshop (making Japanese bread; melon pan) that a staff member and I present since last year.

In conclusion, I still feel very weak, but in comparison to Saturday morning, I feel lots better. I'm scared of going to bed now, because if I cramp up again, I won't have First Aid ready to run upstairs. But I'll have to get over this, seeing I have a driving lesson tomorrow. I really hope I'll feel okay for that, because driving is always a little bit of a strain on my leg. I can't have my leg feeling all weak when I need to control the car. I'll see tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Fijn dat je toch nog het een en ander hebt kunnen doen afgelopen weekend!
    Was het leuk/ gezellig? (ondanks je been..)

    Nu maar even rustig aan doen I guess...
