Friday, 4 May 2012

A lot better

Today went a lot better. In the morning I was so focused on getting myself to work, I forgot my work clothes. Oops. At this point I started to panick a bit, but I soon found out they had some spare clothes for me. No worries.
Then they had a small meeting in which they didn’t need me, so I was alone at the job again for a few minutes. Luckily the shop wasn’t open yet and they left me clear instructions. Again, no worries.
So the day started out a bit off, but I could handle it. After that the job just went on as usual and, totally different than Wednesday, I was on my game. I finished my work faster than usual and halfway during the day I seriously didn’t know what was left to do, except for some refilling once in a while, because I simply did everything there was to do at that specific point in time within my assigned tasks.
Suddenly I was asked to help decorate some pastries. I was very happy, because that’s what I like doing better than just cleaning, selling, wrapping, etc.! So not only was I on top of my game, I had fun doing my job too! During lunch I even caught some youngsters joking about Autism. I took the chance to tell them off and inform them. They took the opportunity and asked me for more information on Autism. I loved this. Something that could turn out ugly, got turned into a great chance to tell them more about Autism and have them understand it just a bit more.
At the end of the day I also got my key to my locker for the first time and I was allowed to go home. I was pleased with myself and I got a lot of compliments from my colleagues.
I was also very tired and my feet were hurting, so I got myself home very quickly. At home I fell asleep.
After waking up, I got to Chill Aut (the weekly Autism Meeting). There everyone was in a happy mood. Suddenly a new person arrived and she was someone who knew my sister from school! After some thinking I remembered her too. I only saw her a few times, but still remembered her.
I still find it strange that I can know someone for a long time, but still hardly remember that person and others I can just meet for a few times and still remember for years!
I had a great time catching up with her and had a fun time with the activities there.
This is the big difference in me, and most people with Autism, between when I feel good and I don’t get too much input in a day, and when I don’t have a good day. When people are being rude, there is too much input, there is too much on my mind, etc. I can end up having a terrible day. Most people will be annoyed by such a day, but to me it can seriously throw me off and sometimes even cause physical problems. But when a day goes smoothly with not too much input, rude people, things on my mind, etc. then I can handle things much better and show a whole different me. A me that’s productive, happy, chatty, lively and maybe even very social.


  1. Stoer hoor dat je die jongeren even wat meer uitleg over autisme hebt gegeven!

    Groetjes Fem

  2. Tja ik vind het een beetje raar om grappen te maken over autisme, maar goed. In princiepe moet hetwel kunnen als het binnen de perken blijft. Sommige mensen maken grappen over dingen die ze niet snappen of kennen en anderen maken grappen van dingen om het onderwerp te handelen denk ik dan maar.

    Zolang het geen persoonlijke grappen zijn of erg vergaande grappen zijn, dan moet het in princiepe kunnen.

    Mijn complimenten toch nog (vertraagd ik weet het, maar goed. Ik hoorde pas recent van dit blog en haal nu een beetje in)
