Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Abunai - 3

This is the third of the three blogposts about Abunai (the biggest Anime/Manga convention in the Netherlands). You can find the first part here: http://thedailydaysofanasperger.blogspot.nl/2012/09/abunai-1.html
You can find the second part here: http://thedailydaysofanasperger.blogspot.nl/2012/09/abunai-2_3.html

The next day I handed in my wheelchair, because I could walk again. I was still very weak and I couldn’t walk for too long, or my leg would cramp up again, so I just walked a tiny bit and then sat down again to rest up. That was good enough to do my duty, as there were enough places to sit in-between on my way to my section for that day. In my section there were also plenty of chairs. This meant that I could be of much more use, as long as I made sure to sit in-between walks and rest up on times that I wasn’t needed.

Now read back… I didn’t say ‘my section for SuperGophering’, I said ‘for that day’. Now, what do I mean by ‘that day’? On Sunday I had a Japanese bread baking workshop to give with one of the Staff members. We’ve given this workshop together last year too, which went great, and we couldn’t wait to give it again! Our workshop was completely sold out and it went great. There’s nothing that I would’ve changed. Both us and the visitors had a great time! There were even a few visitors sticking around afterwards to ask some more questions and/or just have a small chat. Even cleaning everything up went much faster than last year. I also had plenty of moments where I could sit down while still being very useful.

Feeling on top of the world (but a little tired), I went to my room to put some stuff away. Then I went on my way to the entrance to hand out the bread, that the Staff member who I worked with baked while I was cleaning up. The way to my room PLUS the way to the entrance was longer than I thought. I miscalculated in resting up and got to the entrance quite exhausted. Because of this I wasn’t quite aware of the people around me and a misunderstanding quickly escalated to some annoyances. After some talking it over, we sorted it out. I’m sorry! This person probably knows who I’m talking about. I’ll make sure to properly rest up the next time.

After we said sorry to each other, I was in a better mood again and I went on my way to the ending ceremony. Some part of me knew that Abunai was about to end, but since I was still in the middle of it all, I didn’t really feel it yet. In fact, I would be staying there until Monday, so it wouldn’t be over for another day for me! The ending ceremony ended, as is tradition, with a big picture of the crew on stage, and after that most visitors went home, so the usual hugging goodbye commenced.

After that, the hotel soon cleared out. It was strange seeing a building, once so alive, suddenly so empty. You’d think that I would’ve gotten used to that by now, but I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that. I had some mixed emotions, as I needed my rest a lot, but I would also miss Abunai. I was absolutely exhausted, so I rested up for an hour in my bed, while my sister drove someone to the train station.

After my sister came back, we went to have dinner and then we headed to the Gopher Lounge. This is the place where Gophers can eat, drink, talk and rest up before, during and after the convention. The Gopher Lounge wasn’t just full of some Gophers who were still around to help with cleaning up, but also some Staff members, Stewards and friends. Almost all of us knew each other and we were basically a group of friends talking about our convention experiences. We had a lot of fun.

Eventually we were all needed for cleaning up and we all ran (shouldn’t have done that! My leg! It hurt!) towards the place where we were needed with a good friend of ours in front with a cavalry tune coming out of his Ipad and the Steward Manager next to him with a megaphone, screaming “CAVALRY INCOMING~!” This was very funny! My leg didn’t agree with this, so in the end I could hardly help (stupid me), but it was worth the fun.

That evening we all hung out in the bar as one big and happy group, sharing some more convention experiences and sharing a lot of laughs. I also had some serious talks with a few people, but after that I had some more fun! That was truly a night to remember. I can’t wait for next year! Okay, I can wait a bit, I need my rest, but a whole year? That’s just too long! I’m sure the Staff doesn’t agree with me though, as there’s plenty to do for them the whole year around. Good luck everyone!

The next day we had breakfast with the remaining group and had a pool party afterwards with a part of that group. The pool was great on my leg. Afterwards everyone went home, except for my sister, a friend who was going to travel back with us, and me. I paid for a late check-out, which I was now grateful for, as I didn’t want to leave yet. The three of us rested up a bit. The combination of the pool and the resting got me enough energy to help clean up the hotel room. Then we went home.

I’m already missing Abunai and am pretty down about it. I miss being around my friends, I miss feeling useful, I miss feeling like I can take on the world… I miss Kansas. (again, the definition of Kansas: http://lifeontheothersideofthewall.blogspot.nl/p/glossary-of-life-on-other-side-of-wall.html )
Most of the people who go to conventions (or who know the feeling of Kansas) know this feeling. Us convention-people call this the after-convention-depression. It’s okay, it’s positive in a way. Every high has a low. Having something to miss THIS much, just means that there’s something WORTH missing this much, which basically means there’s something great in my life. I wouldn’t give this up for the world. On to the next convention!

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