Thursday, 9 October 2014

New developments! Good news!

Yesterday I got a call from one of my coaches, regarding the foundation that will lead the training for living on your own for people with autism.
Remember when I wrote about how the foundation had a lot happen to them, making it unable for them to tell us when the project will start? If you haven't read it yet, you can find it here: Sick and Tired
The coach who called said that... *drum roll* ... they already got the permits through and they can open up the new location mid December!

This is fantastic news. The way things were playing out, it seemed like it could easily be somewhere halfway through next year that we could start, if everything went well. This would've been disastrous for me, as I have an indication for the proper funding for three years. This year is the first year for that, so starting somewhere halfway next year would've meant that I would only have one and a half year left of training, which isn't enough. I would have to try to get them to lengthen the time of the indication, which would mean a lot more paperwork and mental fighting for me.

But that's not necessary anymore! I'll be starting mid December and will have at least two full years left. After that we'll see how far I've gotten and what my next step will be. One step at a time.

I'm so excited! Scared too, of course. It's a big change and changes are scary, period. But I'm mostly excited! I hope nothing bad will happen anymore, which causes things to postphone and/or be uncertain again. Of course I'll keep updating, so you can all follow this process with me.